Excellent work here.

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FPs destroy immovable pillars with their obsession. Rather than accept the tried and true "now but not yet" hermeneutic, they dispense with the general resurrection, the resurrection body, the final judgement, the renovation of the cosmos, eternal punishment, and in some cases the hypostatic union is done away with as some reject that Christ right now dwells in glorified human flesh. All because they cling to the notion that things that orthodoxy teaches as partially fulfilled are, in their view, absolutely and finally fulfilled. It's an irrational obsession.

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Hello! I am a cast member of the Burros and I am not a preterist. Since you clearly don’t listen to all the episodes , you attach labels to it. It is easy to sit behind that keyboard an type. Do you want to come on the podcast and debate the FP? We would be glad to have you come and tell us where each of us goes astray in the Bible since you seem to know exactly what God meant with every word.

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We found that preterism was discussed or mentioned in some capacity in episodes 58, 60, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 76, 77, 79, 86, 89, 91, 93, 94, 96, 98, that noteworthy full preterist Don Preson was featured in the podcast to defend full preterism, as well as various other episodes where the views are taught or shared. To the extent that Burros is not a "full preterist" podcast is simply the extent to which it talks of other topics or has no stable position.

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Since I am not one I disagree with you. But again anyone is welcome to come on and give their take on it. Are you game? Email me!

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Unfortunately, many of the people that have come against Gary DeMar recently are the very same people that have been inconsistently teaching about "time texts" and the dating of the book of Revelation in such a way as to lead people right into hyperpreterism. Further, some of the people are even former hyperpreterists that want to ignore that for 30 yrs, they supported Gary as he spoke at their hyperpreterist conferences or frequented their forums. This issue they have with Gary's eschatology is not new, except for they now have an agenda to go after him. I know, because I was around then and have written about all of this in a 4-book series on PRETERISM. If you want a 30 yr, field tested study of the preterist movement and its players, this is the series for you. Stop being manipulated by men with an agenda. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SZKQ83X

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We're not particularly interested in preterism. Our only interest is in its conflict with orthodoxy in Reformed circles. We don’t even consider ourselves partial preterists.

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Will one of your chief, reputable contributors to this forum be willing to discuss, honorably, the issue of full preterism-- instead of simply lobbing rockets of condemnation?

An offer has been made by Allyn Morton to help fund a formal public debate between me and a top representative of your side of the aisle-- anyone except Sam Frost and Jason Bradfield who have proven themselves to be men without honor.

Will anyone here take up that challenge? If so, please get in touch with me!

Don K. Preston

Preterist Research Institute


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Debate challenges are fake bravado in pseudo-intellectual Christian culture. The full preterism debate is settled. We're not interested in debating every heretic that poses a challenge. Our goal was to prove that DeMar is a heretic, not to debate the grounds of heresy. We seek to aid the orthodox in knowing the truth, not convince stubborn heretics like yourself. We pray you repent like so many full preterists before you have.

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